Monday, September 12, 2011

how long should jeans::Com remember, the back cuff should be aligned with the top part of the sole how long should jeans

how long should jeans how long should jeans::Com remember, the back cuff should be aligned with the top part of the sole.
First, make sure the legs, crotch and waist areas are not too tight.
You must also see if they look good from behind.
Buying them longer than necessary gives you the opportunity to fold them over or make any desired alterations.
The best way to test the worth of your new jeans is to put them through a trial run.
Walk around the store with them and check the pocket space and your level of comfort when sitting down.
Can they handle your keys?
Are they itchy or too warm for certain seasons?
You should also make sure to try them on with the belt you wear most.
This will show you where the waist falls on you, if the jeans match your belt and if the loops can hold your properly.
Finally, try on jeans with the shoes you wear most often, and keep in mind that aside from seeing if the colors match, you want to know how the pants fall.
If the jeans are too long, fold them over to approximate how they would look once hemmed.
Remember, the back cuff should be aligned with the top part of the sole.
Washing before hemming will put the denim through any initial shrinking before you take more away.
Just to be safe, though, take off a little less than necessary when having them hemmed.
If you need an inch taken off, go for twothirds of an inch instead, which will buffer any future shrinkage.
The first time you wash your jeans, wash them alone.
Always lay your jeans on a towel to dry or, if possible, hang them with clothespins so that no part of the jean is folded over.
Nevertheless, by keeping some of these tips in mind, you can find that perfect pair of with minimal effort.

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